Manufacturing Day
Manufacturing Day is an event in which students at Jennings County High School and Middle School may tour many of the local industries, such as Decatur Mold and Plastics, Biehle, NVIC, Lowe’s DC, GT Industries, AAM, Martinrea, Erlers and CMD. Students are given the opportunity to learn more about these industries as well as a tour of their facilities. Manufacturing Day serves as a way to inspire the next generation of ways they can make a difference in their community through manufacturing.

Maverick Challenge
The Maverick Challenge is a business planning competition for high school students across Southern Indiana. Students will develop business concepts including idea pitching, marketing, and business planning. Winning teams can receive cash prizes. Participating counties include Jennings, Bartholomew, Dearborn, Franklin, Jackson, Monroe, and Scott. The winning team from each of the participating counties will advance to the regional round to represent their school and county.
Black Cat Racing
Black Cat Racing is an educational initiative designed to engage high school students to think differently and creatively while building and racing go-karts locally and regionally. Students compete at Purdue University and are judged by their overall engineering design, their community outreach, race placement, and community outreach. Students learn very important 21st century skills and content knowledge through problem-based learning.
Jennings County Industrial Alliance
The Jennings County Industrial Alliance is composed of many representatives from several of the industries located throughout Jennings County that focus on the overall betterment of the county.
Jennings County Young Professionals Group
The Jennings Young Professionals Group (JCYP) exists to connect young professionals with community needs and assets in order to empower personal development, strengthen professional growth, and positively impact Jennings County.